Returns the metadata for the first result set of the T-SQL batch. Returns an empty result set if the batch returns no results. Raises an error if the Engine cannot determine the metadata for the first query that will be executed by performing a static analysis.
@tsql - One or more Transact-SQL statements. Transact-SQL_batch may be nvarchar(n) or nvarchar(max).
Result Sets#
This common metadata is returned as a result set with one row for each column in the results metadata. Each row describes the type and nullability of the column in the format described below.
Column name |
Data type |
Description |
is_hidden |
bit NOT NULL |
Indicates that the column is an extra column added for browsing information purposes and that it does not appear in the result set. |
column_ordinal |
int NOT NULL |
Contains the ordinal position of the column in the result set. The first column’s position will be specified as 1. |
name |
sysname NULL |
Contains the name of the column if a name can be determined. Otherwise, it will contain NULL. |
is_nullable |
bit NOT NULL |
Contains the value 1 if the column allows NULLs, 0 if the column does not allow NULLs, and 1 if it cannot be determined if the column allows NULLs. |
system_type_id |
int NOT NULL |
Contains the system_type_id of the data type of the column as specified in sys.types. |
system_type_name |
nvarchar(256) NULL |
Contains the name and arguments (eg. length, precision, scale), specified for the data type of the column. If the data type is a user-defined alias type, the underlying system type is specified here. |
max_length |
smallint NOT NULL |
Maximum length (in bytes) of the column. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. |
precision |
tinyint NOT NULL |
Precision of the column if numeric-based. Otherwise returns 0. |
scale |
tinyint NOT NULL |
Scale of column if numeric-based. Otherwise returns 0. |
collation_name |
sysname NULL |
Name of the collation of the column if character-based. Otherwise returns NULL. |
user_type_id |
int NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
user_type_database |
sysname NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
user_type_schema |
sysname NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
user_type_name |
sysname NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
assembly_qualified_type_name |
nvarchar(4000) |
Unused, always NULL. |
xml_collection_id |
int NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
xml_collection_database |
sysname NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
xml_collection_schema |
sysname NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
xml_collection_name |
sysname NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
is_xml_document |
bit NOT NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
is_case_sensitive |
bit NOT NULL |
Returns 1 if the column is a case-sensitive string type and 0 if it is not. |
is_fixed_length_clr_type |
bit NOT NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
source_server |
sysname |
Unused, always NULL. |
source_database |
sysname |
Unused, always NULL. |
source_schema |
sysname |
Unused, always NULL. |
source_table |
sysname |
Unused, always NULL. |
source_column |
sysname |
Unused, always NULL. |
is_identity_column |
bit NULL |
Returns 1 if the column is an identity column and 0 if not. Returns NULL if it cannot be determined that the column is an identity column. |
is_part_of_unique_key |
bit NULL |
Always 0. |
is_updateable |
bit NULL |
Always 1. |
is_computed_column |
smallint NULL |
Always 0. |
is_sparse_column_set |
smallint NULL |
Always 0. |
ordinal_in_order_by_list |
smallint NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
order_by_list_length |
smallint NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
order_by_is_descending |
smallint NULL |
Unused, always NULL. |
tds_type_id |
int NOT NULL |
For internal use. |
tds_length |
int NOT NULL |
For internal use. |
tds_collation_id |
int NULL |
For internal use. |
tds_collation_sort_id |
tinyint NULL |
For internal use. |
Requires permission to execute the @tsql argument.
The following example describes the result set returned from a single query.
EXEC sp_describe_first_result_set @tsql=N'select * from MyView'