

Conducts the whole process of an incremental load of new rows.

New rows are found based on view’s incremental marker and maximum marker found in source table. After the load, the incremental marker of a view is updated based on maximum value of marker found in new rows.

Updated or deleted rows in source table are not propagated, only new rows are added. This procedure can be run only for those view’s that previously enabled incremental load. If persistent cache table has not been created previously, it is created.

During execution of this procedure view’s cache status is updated.


qua_incremental_load_cached_view_copy 'view_name' [;]



Fully qualified name of view for which incremental process will be conducted.


Inserts new rows to ‘AdventureWorksDW2012_spark.dbo.DimEmployee’, then sets cache status to loaded.

EXEC qua_incremental_load_cached_view_copy 'AdventureWorksDW2012_spark.dbo.DimEmployee';