Returns information about jobs.
sp_help_job { [ @job_id = ] job_id
[ @job_name = ] 'job_name' }
[ , [ @job_aspect = ] 'job_aspect' ] /* not supported */
[ , [ @job_type = ] 'job_type' ] /* not supported */
[ , [ @owner_login_name = ] 'login_name' ]
[ , [ @subsystem = ] 'subsystem' ] /* not supported */
[ , [ @category_name = ] 'category' ] /* not supported */
[ , [ @enabled = ] enabled ]
[ , [ @execution_status = ] status ] /* not supported */
[ , [ @date_comparator = ] 'date_comparison' ] /* not supported */
[ , [ @date_created = ] date_created ] /* not supported */
[ , [ @date_last_modified = ] date_modified ] /* not supported */
[ , [ @description = ] 'description_pattern' ] /* not supported */
[ @job_id = ] ‘job_id’
The job identification number. The job_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.
[ @job_name = ] ‘job_name’
The name of the job. The name must be unique. job_name is sysname, with a default of NULL.
To view a specific job, either job_id or job_name must be specified. Omit both job_id and job_name to return information about all jobs.
[ @job_aspect = ] ‘job_aspect’ – not supported
The job attribute to display. _job_aspect_ is varchar(9), with a default of NULL. The parameter is not supported.
[ @job_type = ] ‘job_type’ – not supported
The type of jobs to include in the report. _job_type_ is varchar(12), with a default of NULL. The parameter is not supported.
[ @owner_login_name = ] ‘login_name’ ]
The login name of the owner of the job. _login_name_ is sysname, with a default of NULL.
[ @subsystem = ] ‘subsystem’ – not supported
The name of the subsystem. __subsystem__ is nvarchar(40), with a default of NULL. The parameter is not supported.
[ @category_name = ] ‘category’ – not supported
The name of the category. category is sysname, with a default of NULL. The parameter is not supported.
[ @enabled = ] enabled ]
A number indicating whether information is shown for enabled jobs or disabled jobs. enabled is tinyint, with a default of NULL. 1 indicates enabled jobs, and 0 indicates disabled jobs.
[ @execution_status = ] status – not supported
The execution status for the jobs. _status_ is int, with a default of NULL. The parameter is not supported.
[ @date_comparator = ] ‘date_comparison’ – not supported
The comparison operator to use in comparisons of _date_created_ and _date_modified_. The parameter is not supported.
[ @date_created = ] date_created – not supported
The date the job was created. _date_created_ is datetime, with a default of NULL. The parameter is not supported.
[ @date_last_modified = ] date_modified – not supported
The date the job was last modified. _date_modified_ is datetime, with a default of NULL. The parameter is not supported.
[ @description = ] ‘description_pattern’ – not supported
The description of the job. _description_pattern_ is nvarchar(512), with a default of NULL. The parameter is not supported.
Result Sets#
If no arguments are specified, sp_help_job returns this result set.
Column name |
Data type |
Description |
job_id |
uniqueidentifier |
Unique ID of the job. |
originating_server |
nvarchar(30) |
Not supported. |
name |
sysname |
Name of the job. |
enabled |
tinyint |
Indicates whether the job is enabled to be executed. |
description |
nvarchar(512) |
Description for the job. |
start_step_id |
int |
ID of the step in the job where execution should begin. |
category |
sysname |
Not supported. |
owner |
sysname |
Job owner. |
notify_level_eventlog |
int |
Not supported. |
notify_level_email |
int |
Not supported. |
notify_level_netsend |
int |
Not supported. |
notify_level_page |
int |
Not supported. |
notify_email_operator |
sysname |
Not supported. |
notify_netsend_operator |
sysname |
Not supported. |
notify_page_operator |
sysname |
Not supported. |
delete_level |
int |
Bitmask indicating under what circumstances the job should be deleted when a job completes. Possible values are: 0 = Never, 1 = When a job succeeds, 2 = When the job fails, 3 = Whenever the job completes (regardless of the job outcome) |
date_created |
datetime |
Date the job was created. |
date_modified |
datetime |
Date the job was last modified. |
version_number |
int |
Version of the job (automatically updated each time the job is modified). |
last_run_date |
int |
Date the job last started execution. |
last_run_time |
int |
Time the job last started execution. |
last_run_outcome |
int |
Outcome of the job the last time it ran: 0 = Failed, 1 = Succeeded, 3 = Canceled, 5 = Unknown |
next_run_date |
int |
Date the job is scheduled to run next. |
next_run_time |
int |
Time the job is scheduled to run next. |
next_run_schedule_id |
int |
Not supported. |
current_execution_status |
int |
Current execution status. |
current_execution_step |
sysname |
Current execution step in the job. |
current_retry_attempt |
int |
If the job is running and the step has been retried, this is the current retry attempt. |
has_step |
int |
Number of job steps the job has. |
has_schedule |
int |
Number of job schedules the job has. |
has_target |
int |
Not supported. |
type |
int |
Not supported. |
By default, members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute this stored procedure.
List information for all jobs
The following example executes the sp_help_job procedure with no parameters to return the information for all of the jobs currently defined in the system.
EXEC dbo.sp_help_job ;