Sets the cache mode for a view. For persistent tables default persistent table names are used. No partitioning is defined for caches.
qua_set_view_cache_mode 'view_name', 'cache_mode' [;]
Fully qualified name of view which cache mode will be changed.
TINYINT with one of the following values:
Value |
Meaning |
0 |
No caching |
1 |
Caching in Spark in-memory |
3 |
Single persistent table caching |
4 |
Two persistent rotated tables caching |
5 |
Single persistent table + in-memory caching |
6 |
Two persistent rotated tables + in-memory caching |
Sets the in-memory caching for AdventureWorksDW2012_spark.dbo.DimEmployee.
EXEC qua_set_view_cache_mode @view_name = 'AdventureWorksDW2012_spark.dbo.DimEmployee', @cache_mode = 1;