Invalidates and then loads Spark in-memory cache for given table. Works only for views with in-memory caching configured. If the data for given table is not cached, just loads cache.
qua_invalidate_spark_cached_table 'tableName' [, 'schemaName' ] [, 'databaseName' ] [;]
Name of the table for which cache will be invalidated.
Name of database’s schema in which table is present. When missing, current connection schema is used. Optional.
Name of the database in which table is present. When missing, current connection database is used. Optional.
Invalidates in-memory cache for Spark view AdventureWorksDW2012.dbo.DimCurrency.
EXEC qua_invalidate_spark_cached_table @tableName = 'DimCurrency', @schemaName = 'dbo', @databaseName = 'AdventureWorksDW2012';