Client connections#

Client connections screen displays list of currently opened connections to Querona. The list can be refreshed by clicking on the REFRESH button in the top right corner.

Client connections

Column name


User name

Name of user who opened connection


Display for how long connection is open


Source of connection


Application for which connection has been opened

Client host

Host of connection client


Current status of connection

Selecting connection from the list will bring up the panel with connection details.

Client connection details#

Client connection details panel shows information about selected connection.

Client connection details

Field name


User name

Name of user who opened connection


How long connection is open


Source of connection


Application for which connection has been opened

Client host

Host of connection client


Current status of connection

There are also two panels available on the bottom of the screen:

  • Active statements - opens list with currently running statements for selected client connection

  • Recent statements - opens list with recently finished statements for selected client connection


Upon first selection of client connection from client connections list, active statements panel will open by default.

Active statements#

Active statements screen displays list of currently running statement for selected client connection.

The list can be refreshed by clicking on the REFRESH button in the top right corner.

Client connection active statements

Column name



How long statement is running


Shows current status of running statement

Statement SQL

SQL of executed statement (the whole SQL is available on statement details screen)


Cancel button for running statement

Clicking the CANCEL button will cancel running statement. Selecting element from list will open new panel with details of statement (see Active statements for more details).

Recent statements#

Recent statements screen displays list of finished statements executed using selected connection.

The list can be refreshed by clicking on the REFRESH button in the top right corner.

Client connection recent statements

Column name



Date and time of execution

Statement SQL

SQL of executed statement (the whole SQL is available on statement details screen)

Selecting element from the list will open a new panel with statement details (see Statement history).